Sunday, January 28, 2024

Oscar does the Dishes

Oscar and David participated in a Scout Troop lock-in January 12 - 13. It was cold in the -20 type of cold but the dish water was warm. 

Oscar and Giobbe:


Library Life

It’s serious work. 

Lisa, rocking the noise cancelling head phones. 

David, willing sticker model at StickerPALOOZA!


To Serve Mankind

January 27, 2024

The Martins did something good!

We work up early on a Saturday to pack food with the rest of Madison for children in other parts of the world.

Later in the day, Calvin and his mother (me) Help the neighbor shovel her driveway.

And even later, David, Oscar, and I went to the annual fireman nut feed—where David and Oscar ate turkey nuggets and I ate cauliflower nuggets (smuggled in from home). We had to cut Oscar off at his 3rd cup of soda. 

We’re pretty much saving the world. 

Hey Calvin

January 24, 2024 

Calvin’s senoir year One Act play, Hey Jude, was also Willa’s first year. Calvin played the villain in the play while Willa did student

Milton Millhouse, the scoundrel who got his comeuppance with fellow actor, and hero, Jude McLennan or Eli. 

Calvin with his posse, Stormy Skye and Windy Gale or Georgie & Ellie. 

Ollie was in the play too!

In the end, Willa got a very special proposal!

The play won Regionals. 
Calvin got a -Superior- for his performance, and was told he acted like an evil Timothée Chalamet.
The whole crew is going on state!

Calvin (sans cape) with best friend Spencer after Regions.