Thanksgiving Week
Talk about thankfulness...I am so grateful for the return of my health. I was sick with the stomach flu for THREE stinkin' days! It started Friday night and lingered until Tuesday. I really hope our guests didn't catch it.
But enough about me... How are the Martin's? Well it looks like the bug has made it around (and through) everyone except David (pray for him) and we are all now fit as fiddles. We had a lovely Thanksgiving week...
Wednesday night Emma wanted to bake a cake from scratch for a Thanksgiving dessert. She tried a recipe she found in a children's cookbook and did it entirely on her own. Unfortunately something went wrong somewhere. (We suspect too much baking powder.) After it had been in the oven for 10 minutes, she yelled "The cake's exploding!" Then it burst...
We took it out, mourned it, photographed it, then ate it anyway. It was good! Kind of like a custard.
No worries for our desserts either. Turns out we had around 7! pies, 1 cake, and several homemade candies for dessert. We are still eating them. YUMMY!
Then, Thursday, Emma was helpful in decorating. She had the idea to cut out leaves and put them on the window. It made the drab view beautiful.
She help set the table too.
Sadly, this is all the pictures I got of Thanksgiving. Once our guests arrived we were way too busy eating and talking and stuffing ourselves and conversing and chowing down and visiting and such to think of getting out the camera. But trust me it was delicious.
Wish you could have been here.
Saturday, while I busy beginning to get sick, David and the kids started decorating for Christmas.
Sunday was a total wipe out. I was soo sick I couldn't think of going to church despite my duties. So I sent David and the kids (our so I thought). About 10 minutes after they walked out of the door, they walked back in. The car wouldn't start.
Isn't always the way? You get new tires and then need a new car. No, really, it's not that bad. But no one can tell us why our car refuses to start at the most random times. Fortunately, if you wait an hour, it starts. Weird, temperamental "Dently."
Well, I guess it wasn't a TOTAL wipe out, it did snow!
So I sent the kids to play.
Getting on all the snow gear is a very long and tiring process. There are always casualties.
Here's Calvin crying...
But he soon got over it and ran out to play with his siblings.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Have a great week.
Sound like a great week! Sorry about the crazy car, "Denty" has been around. Glad you are feeling better.
Also, to respond to your comment on my blog, I was glad Aaron called grandpa, it was sweet, and I learned a new thing or two about grandpa, even though I had visited him many times.
Nice Blog. Sorry about your car. Your kids are great. I just sort of "got to know" your kids for the first time on SuperSaturday while I was babysitting. I was throwing Enoch around and then his pants came off and flew across the room. I think it was awkward for both of us.
i LOVE reading your blog. you seriously make me laugh! glad you had a nice thanksgiving, sorry you were sick (w/ kids at home). hope things are better!
the song is breath of heaven (mary's song). amy grant sings it and sarah someone does a good version, too. i just sent that lesson off to kristin.
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