Sunday, January 10, 2010

Kids with a Camera

Calvin got an indestructible children's camera for Christmas. The kidlins have been taking pictures of everything. It's fun to see what they think is photo worthy or funny (I have deleted dozens of extreme closeup shots of walls and floors). They have a different perceptive of their surroundings and they don't care to edit their space like I do (ie. move the camera more to left so the piled junk mail isn't in the shot).

So for the first installment of "Kids with a Camera" we have:

The Boys Room

This is a picture of the underside of Enoch's bed, taken by Taran who was laying on his (and Calvin's) double bed. It is a bunk bed the boys share.

Here is Taran on his bed with Calvin. Either Emma or Enoch was taking the picture. Because it's level, I'm guessing Emma.
An incredibly grainy picture of the boys' stuffed animal pile atop their book shelf.

Here is a wall with some cowboy art in their room. David painted cow spots to add whimsy, but really it was to hide many, many the dirt and crayon spots. (There wasn't any cleaner out there or any amount of scrubbing that could take those stains out. I suspect that the cheap renter paint on our walls is actually just primer.)

Another view. David and his brother Paul had this art work up in their room when they were boys.

More spots.

The opposite long wall with the cowboy icons border and ceiling.

Giddy UP!

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