Monday, April 14, 2008

Charity Never Faileth

Today while baking so-sorry-your-life-sucks-muffins for my neighbor whose cars (yes plural) windows got smashed, I had my own vandal at work upstairs. Enoch destroyed my pretty woven laundry hamper with an egg beater, colored the walls with a ball point pen, and colored and dented his wooden dollhouse. Still, in the grand scheme of things, I think I prefer an inside job.


Whitlatch Family said...

Was Enoch at least quiet about it, as he was working? A few minutes of quiet are worth alot :) AHHHHHHH, boys.
How were the muffins?

The JNJ Hasleton's said...

Thank goodness for those Mr. Clean erasers. Those work on EVERYTHING!!!! Although I have used them so many times, there is a spot by our door where the paint is starting to come off too.

Lisa said...

Yes, Enoch was quiet. I knew he was up to something, but I was busy and felt that whatever he was doing, it was probably worth it. I took a gamble, I lost.
I loved that pretty laundry hamper. It was the first thing I bought for our home here (and it was expensive!), but Jennifer is right. Those Mr. Clean erasers are great. And the muffins were yummy! I hope they brightened my neighbors' day.

Deb said...

Lisa, I love your blog. I read it and then I feel so much better about MY life.......

ha ha ha ha...just kidding....

I love your attitude about everything. Enoch is such a cutie, he is bound to get into a lot of shenanigans. Remember, I did offer to take him home with me!

Lisa said...

Yep, that's my calling in be the long suffering peon. If just one person can look to me and say "Lisa's life is worse then mine, and she hasn't thrown herself off a cliff yet, maybe I don't have to either."
Hey, I'm saving lives here.
Still, don't be surprised if you get an Enoch sized package on your doorstep one day.

Laurie Hasleton said...

Lisa, I LOVE your posting! It is so much fun to look through this little window into your life. Thanks for the groan and the giggle.