Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Our Budding Graphic Novelist

Taran is a special little dude. Ever since he could express himself, he has been telling us stories and showing us his world. Now that he's in first grade, soon second, he is able to write out and draw some of his thoughts. He likes to write books.

Here is just a little insight into my boy's world...

Hotwheel Botwheel

Page one...

Taran Baran [our hero] and the Attack of the Super Killer

The Man's and the Boy's Car

A page from the book, The Man's and the Boy's Jet Flasher...

Other titles in Taran's body of work include...

Taran Baran and the Attack of the Lazer Beam!!!
Taran Baran and the Attack of the Blob Spitting Blanket
The Man's and the Boy's Jet Flasher vol. 2


Whitlatch Family said...

Tell Taran Ronny loves the books. Ronny is a writer and illustrator as well. The topics range all over.

Rebekah said...

h\How old is Taran? We may have to get him to marry my 5 year old! ;) She writes stories all by herself too, they are really cute and imaginative. I love it when they sound things out and spell them. So cute.

Sarah said...

I love and miss your family so much!!!! Thanks for all the updates - it's nice to know what's going on! I'm challenging everyone to leave a comment on all of the blogs they check - you're is one of them!!! Thanks for taking the time to do a blog - it makes me not miss you so much :)

Cheney Family said...

How are you doing Lisa? Hope all is well with the family!