Tuesday, September 30, 2008


...just as the nausea and heat peaked, we got visitors!

Here's my little sister, her son, and my mommy hanging out in the backyard with Calvin and Enoch on the swing set.

My dad with cute-as-button Henry at historic Fort Snelling.

On their Minneapolis trip we took them to fun places, one of which is the Minnesota Children's Museum.
Here is patched-up princess Addy and Cinder-Emma in the Happily Ever After Room.

...we celebrated birthdays!

My 31st, no pictures, but I received many lovely gifts not least of which was a NEW computer! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Grandma Lois Martin's birthday. She was in California, but her cake was with us. Happy Birthday!

Emma's was remembered with a cake and some family gifts (aka. socks) because she had her party during the school year. See June 25th post.

Taran, on the other hand, chose to have his during the summer with just a few friends at Chuck-E-Cheese. SOOO much easier than that Tea Party.

...things started to go to pot.
Morning sickness took a toll on the house and the yard.

Before pregnancy garden.

Yes, that's a cupcake down there.
Crop yield? Well after squirrels and bugs (they enjoyed the cupcake too) and kids, we got maybe three red tomatoes. Our little neighbor friends were very happy to hand us green ones.

And some interior decorating.
Calvin's art on the wall.

Which brings us to the many different art projects we created over the summer.
Some were mother guided (maybe one or two), some were summer camp guided (everyone but Calvin got a week long class through the park and rec.), but the best were child inspired...

Here is Enoch sporting his "Warrior Outfit." Done entirely in blue masking tape by his older brother Taran and friend Kamden.

Notice the sword on the back. Awesome!

Calvin's interest extends beyond murals. He's into body art as well.

Taran's art was "invention" which in all practical terms means "destruction."

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