Saturday, May 10, 2008


Jennifer at tagged me with this. It's a list of questions about my man.

After answering the questions, I asked David to review, hence, the editorial comments. Also, we got a little silly.

My Marriage to David

What is his name? David Myron Martin, aka. “Mr. Martin” or “Grand Weenie Puba.” (A very long and uninspiring inside joke which is what makes it so dang funny.)
David’s response: “There’s an ‘h’ on the end of that [Puba].”

How long have you been married? It will be 12 years in August.

How long did you date? We didn’t. Technically we hung out as best friends until he proposed. But we’ve been dating ever since.

How old is he? 35.
David’s response: “That’s not true, I’m 34.”

Who eats more? What are we talkin’ here? Chocolate? I’m more sweets, he’s more everything else. Until I’m nursing, then you’d all just better step aside.

Who said I love you first? He did. The day before he proposed.
David: “I really don’t remember. Probably because I had said it in my head so many times the year before I proposed.”

Who is taller? David.

Who sings better? David.

Who is smarter? I am. Proof: I graduated with a BA, but David’s still in school! When will he ever get it right?!
David: “You’re so right.”

Whose temper is worse? AM: David. PM: Me.

Who does the laundry? To quote Jennifer, “ME. ME. ME. ME. ME.ME. ME. ME. ME. ME. ME. ME. He'll throw a load in, but that's where it stays.”

Who does the dishes? Ideally: Emma, Taran, David and me. But I’ll let you guess if really goes that way.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Mostly me. We switch from time to time. Actually, there is a very long and complicated and boring explanation for that. I really had to sit and think on it for a couple of minutes. What has my life come to?

Who does the cooking? David cooks on Sundays; I cook the rest of the time.
David: “And the meals are awesome!”

Who drives when you are in the car together? It’s a toss up. While driving, he’s better at directions and finding our destination. But I can put on lip liner, find and replace dropped pacifiers, and shout creative, terrifying threats to the back seat while merging into the fast lane.

Who is more stubborn? Let’s see, he hasn’t given up yet on a PhD and I haven’t given up on him. Probably, Enoch is.

Who proposed? He did. It was a TOTAL surprise, in the most surprising way. I thought he was going to ask if we could start dating. But then he starts talking about how marriage is possible, even though we’re so young and poor, etc… And after five minutes or so I finally figure out he’s proposing. So I said, “Well then you’d better ask me.” And he did!
David: “I was sooo lame!”
Lisa: “That’s not true. You were sooo scared and cute. And maybe just a little lame.”
David: “Possibly, but I still think I was sooo lame.”
Lisa: “Okay, but you may redeem your lame self by doing something WONDERFUL this August.”
David: “What do you mean by WONDERFUL? I guess I am still sooo lame.”
Lisa: “That’s why they call you the Grand Weenie PubaH.”
David: “I think it’s actually ‘Poobah’.”
Lisa: “Wikipedia spells it ‘Pooh-Bah,’ but let’s admit it David, you made up the name, and you can make up the spelling!”

Who is most likely to admit when they are wrong? I am most likely to point out that he is wrong. If he ever does the same, I change the subject. What were we talking about?
David: “Yes, you are right.”

Whose parents do you see the most? Ever since moving to the mid-west, Peggy and Jack Meyer.

Who pays the Bills? I do. The poor (literally) man doesn’t even know how much money he makes.

Who wears the pants in your family? He wears his pants, I wear mine. Unless I’m pregnant or postpartum, then I wear both.


Now I get to tag someone. Is it fair to tag two people? I tag Kirsti and Amy!


The JNJ Hasleton's said...

YEAH< I loved it!! You guys are so awesome, we're gonna come & move in with you, how's your next week looking?

Cheney Family said...

lol very funny :) Hope all is well with you guys!