Because I was in charge of taking pictures for the primary after the program, I do have a few pictures...
Here is Emma. She gave a talk on having a Gospel Sharing Home and played the bells for the the song "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" with her class.
Taran spoke about tithing and the blessings it brings. He also sang "When Jesus Christ was Baptized" with his class.
Please note the gapped tooth smile. He lost another tooth last week.
Enoch sat in his seat for a good half of the program! He insisted on wearing the glasses he found tucked away in his closet.
As a family we sang the song "Home."
At one point I realized we weren't singing as loudly as we ought to so I slightly nipped Emma to encourage her. She turned around and hissed "You pinched me!"
Calvin squirmed while David held him in place.
Taran was SO animated that the congregaton couldn't help but laugh.
And Enoch hid behind the podium.
Yep, "Home is where the heart is, where warmth and love abound. Home is where warm, circling arms go all the way around."
After church there was a big cake to celebrate a job well done and our car had a flat tire. (Last week when we came home from church we had to have the door handle drilled off because we were locked out. The Sabbath is becoming very costly.) After David came back from the auto shop, we ate a delicious Sunday dinner and played the game Bird's of America Memory.
Have a great week!
Lisa...I love your sense of humor! I seriously get such a kick out of the way you tell stories on your blog. Your sweet family did so well on your song. You all made me smile.
The primary program was wonderful, uplifting and inspiring. It really is touching to see all those precious faces and hear their testimonies in song form. Thanks for all of your hard work!
P.S. You don't happen to have pictures of Kevin and Andrew that you could email me? In the Sunday morning rush I didn't get a chance to get one...
I miss you Lisa! Your kids are cool and cute. Tell everyone hello.
I would love to see pictures of the new table, please. You don't need to post pictures of the tires....unless you want too. YOur kids look very cute.
he he that is so darn cute. I love it and reading your blog. I agree with the kid. He does know what is cool!
I have a question for you also. I believe you were in the YW in Davis when you guys did the Silent Christmas. I am now in YW and would REALLY love to do this for the girls here. Can YOU please help me?!?!?! I would greatly appreciate it. My email address is THANKS SO MUCH.
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